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Car repair technology information disclosure how far?

"Vehicle maintenance technology information disclosure implementation of management approach" requires the vehicle factory public vehicle maintenance technical information, but the release of "measures" of the government departments and not in charge of automobile production of the Ministry of Industry, the policy effect is worrying. "Recently, the after-sales service chain HuaSheng Group Strategic Development Director Liu Yun told reporters that such concerns. "Measures" from the beginning of this year has been effective for more than seven months, the policy of the situation has been independent of the maintenance business is most concerned about the topic. "Approach" has really seen the effectiveness so far, independent of the maintenance business profit from the complete information disclosure how far?

Information disclosure step has not yet taken

Prior to this, a number of independent maintenance practitioners told reporters on many occasions, it is hoped that the OEMs according to the "Regulations" provisions as soon as possible maintenance of technical information, but some OEMs have been slow to see movement. To this end, the reporter made a special in-depth investigation and found that as of now, although many vehicle manufacturers and vehicle maintenance information open third-party platforms have been action, but the reality is not satisfactory.

The reporter first access to query the national vehicle maintenance technical information public supervision and service network, but the site of the vehicle maintenance technical information open inquiry column has been displayed after the entry into the building.

Subsequently, the reporter also visited the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers after the market information platform, the establishment of the original information in the public column, links to seven OEMs own open platform: Dongfeng off, SAIC VW, Red Rock, Lifan, Changan Suzuki, Ruichi, Yangzhou Yaxing. Through the appropriate platform to register the car prices, you can purchase the appropriate maintenance technical information, but in the SAIC-VW platform, not only need to register, need to enter the club membership number to enter, it does not seem to meet the "Rules" .

Finally, the reporter also visited is said to be the most public information in the car business platform. In the platform can see more than 40 car brands, but not every brand has the appropriate information, some only the framework, there are some maintenance information, as of press time, there are eight brands on this platform Clearly marked the price of the sale of maintenance technical information, including Beiqi new energy, Beiqi Silver Cheung, Changlong passenger cars, Dongfeng passenger cars, Valin Xingma, Chery Automobile, Xiwo Bus, FAW hippocampus. Maintenance technical information pricing range of 50 to 300 yuan.

According to the survey found that the current public information brand to its own brand-based, few joint venture brands and foreign brands. In addition, compared to self-built platform for public information, select and third-party information platform for cooperation in car prices more, mainly because cooperation with third parties can reduce operating costs.

Cross-border car prices, most of the relevant anti-monopoly laws and regulations in accordance with its own provisions of the public part of the maintenance of technical information, and there is a corresponding self-built platform, the user can only finished. However, in the car business-related person in charge of Mr. Wang told reporters that the information system of multinational car prices more inclined to set in accordance with foreign laws and regulations, and can not fully meet the landing of the "measures", the Ministry of Transport needs to urge them to further Adjustment.

The end of the year or ushered in information disclosure peak

Large-scale and more complete maintenance of technical information when to really open? "Measures" provides that the car manufacturers should be December 31, 2015, the Ministry of Transport to record its vehicle maintenance technical information disclosure information. For new models, automobile manufacturers from January 1, 2016 onwards, to obtain CCC certification of passenger cars and buses, to models in the market within six months from the date of public maintenance of technical information.

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